Northern exposure bumpy road to love
Northern exposure bumpy road to love

northern exposure bumpy road to love

cieely had a special place in h isheart, and I know today would'vemeant so much to him. You don' t knowme, but I feel l ike I know you.Rick talked about you quite a b i t. Hen from the rear a woman's v o i e ~JO ANNEI ' d l ike to say SomethingĪll turn to look a t a woman making her way to center stage - JO ANNE, a sweet, pret ty blonde in her mid- twenties.JOANNE. Joel looks a t Chris.CHRISSomething you wanted to say?JOELMe? About Rick? Ub, not real ly.We had a few beers together, Iremoved a mole (77501) NORTHERN EXPOSURE - "The Bumpy Road to Love Salmon 7/22/91ġ CONTINUED: 2JOET.(out lC-,J.d innocent)Did I say anything, O'Connell? Ididn ' t say anythingCHRISJoel? Youthink I did this- out of som -misquided sense of qui l t. JOEL(pained)Ī hood ornament.MAGGIESpare me your pity, Fleischman. I t wassupposed to be dignified - reqaland t came out l ike. rOEL(struck)How'd you know?MAGGIEBecause you would think tha t and,wall, because t does. You think i t looks l ikea hood ornament. They speak sot to voce.MAGGIEOkay, Fleischman, okay.JOELOkay, Fleischman, okay, what?MAGGIEI know what you re thinkinq. Maggie notices Joel looking a t thestatue, head t i l t ed to one side.

northern exposure bumpy road to love

CHRISRick, our thoughts to you.Ĭhris bows his head. CONTINUED)ġ CONTINUED:CHRISHey How about we pause now for amoment of si lence, kind of send Rickour thoughts, wherever he i s, andwho knows, maybe h e l l receive them.Okay?ĭesultory murmurs of assent. But I guess we pre t ty muchcovered the vagaries-of-fa te themea t the funeral, didn t we? So,uĬhris i s unsure what direct ion to take. Space debris instead of in h is ownplane. Maurice checks his watch.CHRISI t s strange, s t a t i s t i c a l lyspeaking, tha t Rick died pinned tothe ground by an errant piece of

northern exposure bumpy road to love

I twould be considered sacr i l ig ious - a craven image, a form of idolatry.Luckily, Rick was a Unitarian, ~ o Ithink we're okay.Ĭhris gathers his thoughts. Maggie smiles weakly.ĬHRISIn some bel ie f systems - Jewish,Islamic, ca lvin is t, a monument l iketh is would be unacceptable. Iguess you a l l know, she commissionedth is statue which i sso. Until today, we could only seeRick in the hazy blur of memory - afading image in the mind's eye.( indicating statue)But, now we have something tangible ,something sol id, tha t says, Hey,guys, i t s me - Rick.(gesturing)And we have Maggie to thank. They stare up a t a bronze, rugged-guy sta tue ofRick, complete with aviator jacket and r ig id scarf flyingoff behind h i ~ A white cloth and cord a t i t s base suggestthe statue has jus t been unveiled.ĬHRIS. CEMETERY - D YA crowd, which includes MAGGIE, JOEL, HOLLING, SHELLY, CHRISMARILYN, RUTH-ANNE, ED AND MAURICE, is gathered a t agravesi te. (77501) NORTHERN EXPOSURE - The Bumpy Road to Love Blue 7/11/91ĪCT ONEFAOS INEXT. GUEST CASTRICKJO ANNE SANDIFERBARBARA SEMANSKIADAMDAVEEVEBURLY GUY REGUL RSJOEL FLEISCHMANMAGGIE CONNELLMAURICE MINNIFIELDHOLLING VINCOEURSHELLY TAMBOCHRIS STEVENSEDMARILYNRUTH-ANNE Northern Exposure 3x01 - The Bumpy Road to Love p e ~ " l d rePtd(}ut:7d, J.i 'used by any means, or quoted or :publl.s d l.n any, medl.amwithout the pri

northern exposure bumpy road to love

No por t ion of t h i s script 1Ilay b e. Copyr ight 1991 i I P E L I N E P B O r i ~ I O N S, ltk ~ ," ~ : '. ' ) J O R T ~ R N EXPOSURE"The Bumpy Road to Love

Northern exposure bumpy road to love